Mark Maxwell - Senior Advisor

5 Things You Need to Know About Yellowjackets and Pest Control Measures

One of the most prevalent local pest control challenges is dealing with Yellowjackets in summer and fall. As predatory insects, they can be aggressive when irritated.

Yellowjackets can pose a hazard if the nest is in a high-traffic location. However, removing the nest can be dangerous and counterproductive. In this article, we explore some facts on Yellowjackets and when to call pest control services.

Yellowjackets, Hornets, and Bees

Yellowjackets are predatory wasps that closely resemble hornets. They are amongst the most hostile members of the wasp family. Unlike honey bees, Yellowjacket can sting multiple times when they feel threatened.

People tend to confuse Yellowjackets with bees because of their yellow and black markings. However, the wasps have distinct features from honey bees. They have no hairy bodies, and their sting is not barbed, which is why they can sting repeatedly.

They are closely related to the hornets, although they are markedly different. Compared to hornets, Yellowjackets have a smaller head margin compared to their wasp cousins.

Foraging for Food and Yellowjacket Nests

Yellowjackets build their nests on trees, shrubs, and around the surface roots of shrubs. The yellow-striped insects can find shelter in man-made structures, posing a hazard to humans and animals. The nest could be around your home foundation, fence posts, or the patio.

Yellowjackets chew wood into a pulp that may vary in color depending on the source of the wood. Standing water, bright colors, and sweet-smelling fragrances can attract a swarm of these predatory wasps. They forage in summer through the fall, and some can survive early winter.

Wasp Sting and Pheromone Attack

One of the challenging aspects of pest control of Yellowjackets is their sting. Not only can they sting repeatedly, but they also have a venom that can be dangerous to humans and animals. If stung multiple times, the toxins from the venom can cause adverse inflammatory effects.

Squatting and swatting any social wasp is counterproductive and dangerous. The wasp will release pheromones which attract other Yellowjackets.

Additionally, Yellowjackets do not sting unless they feel threatened. Disturbances around their nests are often the cause of their aggressive behavior.

Reduce the Risk of Yellowjacket Invasion

The best pest control approach for Yellowjackets and other predatory insects is prevention. You can prevent wasps and bees from foraging by covering the food you leave outside. Ensure you keep the lid on the garbage bin and eliminate standing water.

Pest Control and Nest Removal

You may use bait to trap Yellowjackets. However, if the nest is close to the house, nest removal may be the only option to eliminate the infestation. In particular, high-traffic areas are risky for people around your home. But it is worth noting the process of removing the nest is best handled by pest control professionals.

Time to Keep the Pest at Bay

The best way to avoid wasps invading your home is by taking proactive measures to stop an infestation. Do not attempt to swat wasps or remove the nests unless you understand the risk. Consult a pest control company in your area to eliminate the insects for good. If you are looking for pest control measures for spiders, ants, wasps, bed bugs, bees, fleas, hornets, cockroaches, scorpions, and/or rodents, call Key Termite and Pest Control. We are always ready and willing to help you tame the infestation before it becomes worse.

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