Mark Maxwell - Senior Advisor

5 Ways to Prevent Termites in Your Home

According to Orkin, homeowners that discover termite damage in their home typically spend $3,000 on related repairs. If the damage is caught early, this reduces the extent of the damage and saves you on repair costs. However, the best way to save even more is by focusing on preventing termites in your home. Here are five things you can do to keep termites away and avoid damage in your home.

Get Rid of Any Sources of Termite Food Near Your Property

Termites are more likely to invade your home if they discover a source of food nearby. That means getting rid of firewood stacks, wood debris, lumber, cardboard boxes, or any other material that contains cellulose, such as newspapers. Keeping these items near your home is a sure way of inviting termites into your home because they provide a good source of food.

It's common for homeowners to keep firewood piled up against the home so that it's easier to grab when it's time to light a fire. However, anything that's stacked against your home gives the termites secret passage into your home, and you might not know what's going on until it's too late. It's best to remove all firewood and store it as far away from your home as possible.

Eliminate Sources Of Moisture Around Your Foundation

Termites thrive if the environment has moisture, so getting rid of moisture helps prevent a termite infestation. So, start by checking that your downspouts are working correctly and diverting moisture away from your home's foundation. You should also check that there are no other sources of moisture, such as outdoor dripping faucets, that are keeping the area around your foundation moist.

In addition, you should make sure that your gutters are not clogged and there is no leaf debris lying around that can collect moisture and keep the ground moist. More importantly, you should clear mulch away from the foundation. While mulch can help improve the aesthetic of your home, it's a great attractor of termites. That's because mulch is excellent at providing the moisture and insulation termites need to survive and thrive. If you have already added mulch to your landscape, rake back any mulch to ensure it's not coming into contact with your home and providing the perfect avenue for termites to invade the building's interior.

Make Sure Your Crawl Space Is Well Ventilated

Without adequate ventilation, it's easy for your home's crawl space to accumulate moisture and have high humidity levels. Unfortunately, this only helps to attract termites. To avoid this, there should be enough vent openings to accommodate the square footage of the crawl space area. In addition, it's essential to ensure that there is no debris, dirt, or leaves blocking the vents as obstructions can promote moisture and humidity. Your termite exterminator may also suggest installing sheeting to cover the soil and reduce evaporation from the ground, which then condenses to form moisture that attracts termites.

Trim Trees And Brushes That Are Growing Close to Your Home

The problem with overgrown trees and bushes growing near your home is that they can provide shade that prevents moisture near your foundation from completely drying out. This, in turn, creates the ideal conditions for termites. In addition, trees and shrubs shed leaves that collect and retain moisture which attracts leaves. So if you notice any overhanging tree branches or overgrown bushes, make sure they are trimmed as soon as possible.

Secure the Services Of A Termite Exterminator

Knowing these signs of preventing termites in your home is helpful, but sometimes, homeowners are only spurred to act after they start noticing visible signs of termite damage around the house. These signs include seeing mud tunnels and damaged wood all over the place. When this happens, the best thing is to hire a termite exterminator who can get rid of the termites for good.

The advantage of hiring a professional termite exterminator is that they know which termiticide can be successfully used to get rid of termites. In addition, you may not know what to look for when detecting the signs of a termite infestation. In contrast, a termite exterminator will know exactly what to look for, and their trained eye can help you detect damage to your property before it becomes extensive. If the area you live in is prone to termite infestation, it's essential that you get in touch with us to have your home treated to prevent termites. Don't also hesitate to contact us if you want to find more about termite prevention and extermination.

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